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BG World Travel

  • Writer's pictureWilliam Petrie-Hurn

Turkey Tourists warning over passport requirements

Updated: May 7

British Passport - Pre Brexit
British Passport - Pre Brexit

Turkey's passport requirements are different to European holiday hotspots like Spain

British tourists travelling to Turkey on holiday have been warned to check their passports well before their trip. Turkey's entry requirements are different to European countries such as Spain, which requires visitors to have at least three months left on their passports before they expire at the time they're due to leave.

Turkey, on the other hand, requires international visitors to have at least 150 days (five months) left on their passport from the date that they arrive. UK tourists should also have a blank page left on their passport for entry and exit stamps.

Travellers with a passport that doesn't comply with the above rules will need to pay to renew their passport before they fly or face being turned back from customs at either UK or Turkey border force.

The UK Foreign Office also urges Brits to make sure their passport has a dated entry stamp before they cross a Turkish land border. The government office says on its website: "If you are visiting Turkey, your passport must be valid for at least 150 days from the date you arrive [and] have a full blank page for entry and exit stamps".

"If you are a resident in Turkey, your passport must be valid for six months from the date you arrive. If entering Turkey through a land border, make sure your passport has a dated entry stamp before you leave the border crossing."

British Citizens travelling to Turkey for tourist purposes can travel without a visa for visits of up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Once in Turkey, tourists must also ensure they carry some form of photographic ID with them at all times, as this is a legal requirement.

In busy areas, especially in Istanbul, authorities may stop people for ID checks. There are also several police checkpoints on main roads across Turkey and anyone asked will be expected to provide ID.

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